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Blog Varicosity Vein Center

Why Are My Veins So Blue?

Posted on March 28, 2023

As we have mentioned in prior blog posts, veins and vein valves work to circulate blood flow towards the heart. Generally, we associate blood with the color red, so you might wonder why your veins appear blue. There can be many causes for the appearance of blue veins.

Light’s Impact on Vein Color

While complexion, age, genetics, and body mass index could be reasons for the visibility of blue veins, the more scientific explanation involves light. Red light has the longest wavelength and can travel deeper beneath the skin’s surface when touched by white light. Hemoglobin then absorbs the red light.

Blue’s shorter wavelength means that its travel distance is also much shorter than that of red. For this reason, blue does not travel as deeply beneath the skin, and its light is absorbed differently when hit by white light. When the shortest wavelength returns to our eyes, we see blue. Depending largely on body fat and your skin’s undertone, veins might even appear green. 

Should I Worry About My Veins?

The occurrence of visible blue veins is common. Usually, there is no major cause for concern. However, blood clots and other venous issues might also result in distinct blue veins. Paying close attention to your symptoms is key in determining whether to seek treatment.

When deciding whether your vein issues are normal or if there might be cause for concern, Varicosity Vein Center wants you to keep specific symptoms in mind. For instance, if you experience pain such as burning or itching, swelling, or heaviness in your leg, you should likely make an appointment with one of our experienced vein specialists. Bulging blue veins, accompanied by one or more of these symptoms, often indicates the development of varicose veins.

In addition to the onset of varicose veins, these concerns might also be related to other large problems such as:

  • Chronic venous insufficiency (veins don’t allow blood to flow back to your heart)
  • Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot forms deep in the vein)
  • Lymphedema (build-up of lymph fluid causing swelling)
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis (inflammatory condition in veins caused by a blood clot)
  • Venous ulcers (vein ulcers caused by poor circulation)

Those at higher risk for vein disease include females over the age of 50, pregnant women, and those who are hypertensive. Diabetes and genetics also contribute to the likelihood of venous issues. Prolonged periods of standing or sitting increase the chances of vein disease as well.


Varicosity Vein Center believes in providing the highest quality of personalized care to our patients. Our team is dedicated to evaluating the underlying cause for each patient’s concern. We combine exceptional service with advanced technology to ensure only the most sought-after results. 

If your symptoms align with those mentioned above, or you feel that you are in the high-risk range for varicose veins or other venous complications, please seek treatment. Contact us to set up a consultation with one of our specialized providers. Together, we can develop a plan to treat your particular vascular condition.

Consult With Alabama’s Premier Vein Specialists

When you come to the best, you can expect the best. Begin your journey to optimal results by scheduling your consultation with one of our renowned vein specialists today. We look forward to providing you with the most enjoyable and effective vein treatments in Alabama.

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